Find your way around Octonius workplace

We will cover the basics of the UI and the first customizations of your profile and workplace.

The navigation interface

After you log in to Octonius, you will arrive in default view called Inbox.

This is the default view of My Space - your personal area in Octonius.

There are 2 main areas in Octonius, you can find them in the Sidebar menu:

MY SPACE > your personal dashboard, notifications area, personal tasks and files etc

WORKPLACE > this is where everything is stored for your organization, the place where teamwork happens.


You are now ready to move to the next step.

The workplace area has a few modules, presented in the top navigation, as described in the screenshot.

The Workplace is where all the activity, members, files, data, and tasks are organized.

The Workplace’s main sections are:

  1. Groups - this is how teams and projects are structured in Octonius

  2. North Star - a dashboard to manage OKRs.

  3. Dashboard - for global metrics from the Organization

  4. Lounge - a place for managers to publish news and events for all the employees to access

  5. Organization - a lightweight HR and Payroll module