A little bit more about our mission
Octonius started out of frustration for the lack of quality collaboration tools to get work done in 2018. So one day we decided enough was enough, we decided to start building something different. Something that was super-intuitive, and modern yet relatable to other existing technology.
Something that even your abuela could use without any prior training.
Something powerful enough for the hard core / PRO project managers and software engineers, yet flexible enough for any business department in a large enterprise to solve various problems with 1 tool.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
We took the path of selling not only a product but what you could achieve with the product. Endless possibilities.
Few years later… here we are…
Self-funded and mission-driven
Unlike most tech companies where the goal is to gain more “users” to keep greedy investors happy, Octonius is 100% self-funded.
It's risky, but it means our only choice is to pay attention and provide you, our customers, the best possible experience.
We’ll never be the brand with silly budgets to target you on every platform. $60M / year for marketing to get users from the competition, or $120M to track everyone searching for work management software(we kind of coined that term many years ago BTW.) But believe in the old saying, “the kaymak rises to the top.”
By supporting us, know we're thrilled to have you on our journey to building a sustainable business doing what we love:
Creating the best possible work management experience for the hybrid work community.
Wherever you are, whatever your department and role, there are a lot of functionalities for you and your teams.
Small teams make big things happen
Companies with bloated teams often struggle to get the buy-in for product updates — and suffer from "too many cooks in the kitchen" to get stuff done.
Ever wanted your project management software to have THIS or THAT feature or integration? Let’s see in 2-3 years… Yeah…
Wanna know how fast we deliver? Wanna know how we work with customer feedback?
First of all, we BUILD new stuff every 2 weeks.
Secondly, we always build using customer feedback.
Thirdly, we build custom functionalities for every large customer(on request).
How’s that for a change? Pretty sweet, yeah.
Oh and the best part? We don’t use trackers or analytics to feed on customer data. The only thing we use is on this marketing website, where we use Google Analytics to understand who our visitors are.
That’s it. And it will always be like that.
So here we are, on our mission to bring the best of consumer products + enterprise products into one awesome digital workplace, Octonius. Follow us throughout the 2024 and beyond to see how we get there.